No matter the martial art you practice, Aunkai will offer new input and help you build skills for using your body more effectively, with more ease and less strain, to support any martial or non-martial technique. What most old masters seem to do but don’t tell, Minoru Akuzawa-Sensei decided to teach, to all our benefit.
The Aunkai Zürich group enjoys the teaching of Akimasa Watanabe-Sensei, 6th Dan Iwama Aikido, who finds Aunkai perfectly matches his quest to a more natural, less straining training, that does not reduce – but enhance – effectiveness. His deep knowledge of martial arts, coupled with input from the Aunkai founder directly, make for an innovative, unusual training. Best way to know it is to experience it – join us on a Tuesday or Thursday 7pm!
More information about Aunkai Zürich are in our “About” page. More information about aunkai – best directly from the source at the Tokyo honbu dojo link.