Aunkai intensive seminar with Minoru Akuzawa-Sensei, Mürren, Switzerland, August 2019

…for fresh air, but also for the excellent sports facilities in the Bernese Alps. Mürren was an ideal location for a four day intensive Aunkai seminar phone lookup , the second in Switzerland in two years. We welcomed our diverse bunch of friends originating or coming from France, England, Greece, Germany, Italy, Romania, Japan, theContinue reading “Aunkai intensive seminar with Minoru Akuzawa-Sensei, Mürren, Switzerland, August 2019”

Aunkai intensive seminar with Minoru Akuzawa-sensei – Wädenswil, June 2018

Serene Wädenswil by the Zürich lake hosted a merry bunch of very diverse martial arts practitioners for the first Aunkai seminar in Switzerland. First contact with the extraordinary Minoru Akuzawa-Sensei couldn’t have been in a more friendly atmosphere and beautiful surroundings. Great training, warm weather, plunging in the lake during lunch break and after trainingContinue reading “Aunkai intensive seminar with Minoru Akuzawa-sensei – Wädenswil, June 2018”

Welcome to Aunkai Zürich!

No matter the martial art you practice, Aunkai will offer new input and help you build skills for using your body more effectively, with more ease and less strain, to support any martial or non-martial technique. What most old masters seem to do but don’t tell, Minoru Akuzawa-Sensei decided to teach, to all our benefit.Continue reading “Welcome to Aunkai Zürich!”